Shadow Talent

Many talented and skilled people with solid ideas seem to go unheard, drowned out by louder voices. Changemakers working in the shadows are no less capable than those who gain the spotlight.  At least, that’s been my experience.  

In 35-plus years, hundreds of eager entrepreneurs have come knocking, seeking help to advance their ideas. Some ideas were okay, few were great, and most were just... ideas. However, each person was passionate about their idea and convinced their proposed product, service, system, process, skill, or talent was necessary, a potential game changer.  

The Fool-Proof Voting Machine, FSVM, had no risk of hanging chads. Spaghetti Already, take home and serve hot. The Capitalist Army is a training program for developing entrepreneurs. Max Stories is a nostalgic childhood story of growing up in America.  MBA Plaza is a web-based portal to worldwide MBA programs. Safe Sitter is a webcam system that monitors children. Safe Waste Medical, retractable disposable syringe. Chapter at a Time textbook on demand.  

Several ideas made it to market at least in part, but not with the lead entrepreneur at the helm.  Not unusual!  It’s the complete idea at the right time, place, and with the right team and resources that makes it. Tough odds!

While I’m interested in good ideas and impressed by a thorough business plan, I am most interested in the person behind the concept. Is this person with whom I would be willing to invest time and resources? Could I assist beyond funding?

Here’s my point: Many of the most promising and interesting talents I’ve encountered were not the passionate entrepreneurs who came calling but those people I discovered working behind the scenes. Shadow talent. Natural leaders influence and shape outcomes off-stage. Talent worth knowing.

My proudest work is matching talent and opportunity, helping them find ways to use their skills effectively, and highlighting their talent and ideas. That’s why I started the Whitenoise Works Community: to create a space for talent and opportunity to come together, a place where that talent wants to gather to share, grow, and create.

Tim Orbaug

Deirdre Quinn

A freelance web designer/developer. Adobe Certified Expert.

Janice Marks